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Anna Krasteva. Post-democratic elites vs contestatory citizens: the case of Bulgaria. In: Vision
Western Balkans. Europeanisation meets democracy. 2023.

За проекта „Грижа за истината“, ромското включване и нуждата да се познаваме

Koleva, R. (2023). “Alternative” Facts: a tool to make others unfamiliar. TheMayor.EU. 

Koleva, R. (Nov. 2022). Inter-ethnic coexistence in the big city: Following the example of Plovdiv. Balkans In-Site. 

Христова, М., Райков, А., Николова, Т. 2023. Интерактивни процеси и практики, допринасящи за психичното здраве на непридружените деца бежанци от Афганистан. Академичен бюлетин „Бежанците: днес и утре“

Krasteva, Anna, Mobile Balkans: from migration crises to reconnecting the region through mobility.- In: Political trends and dynamics. Addressing the complexities of migration in Southeastern Europe, 2023, N 1, 10-16.

Krasteva, Anna.  De/Re/Bordering Remoteness in Times of Crisis: Migration for Reterritorialization and Revitalization of a Remote Region. In: Laine J., Rhahut D., Gruber. M. (eds) (2023) Assessing the Social Impact of Immigration in Europe. Renegotiating Remoteness. Northampton Massachusetts, USA: Edward Edgar, 2023, 93 – 110.

Anna Krasteva (2022) Reinventing Contestatory Citizenship in Post-Democratic Times: Civic Activism for Transformative Change. In: Meike Schmidt-Gleim , Ruzha Smilova , Prof. Dr. Claudia Wiesner (eds) Democratic Crisis Revisited. The Dialectics of Politization and Depolitization. Nomos, 309 – 328.

Krasteva A. (2021) Si la crise du corona virus n’existait pas, elle serait inventée par des leaders post-démocratiques. in : Kuriyama. Sh et al, (eds) Covid-19. Tour du monde. Paris, Editions Manucius, 126-128.

Anna Krasteva. State Capture versus Contestatory Citizenship in Bulgaria. Policy Brief for WB2EU. 2021.

Krasteva. Anna (2021) Balkan migration crises and beyond. In: Southeastern Europe, 45 (2021), 173-203. doi:10.30965/18763332-45020001

Op-ed: Yes, EUtopia is possible! By the WB2EU network’s Next Generation Summer School participants, 2022

Op-ed: Да, ЕС-топия е възможна!, WB2EU, 2022

Стайкова, Е., В. Нинова, Българският миграционен опит:  между създаването и управлението на кризи, В: Сборник с научни трудове от международна научна конференция „Кризи и конфликти – корелации и предизвикателства“, Т. 2. Кризи и сигурност на национално ниво, София, Нов български университет, 2021, с. 272-277

Anna Krasteva. Voice, not exit. Portraits of protesters. In: OpenDemocracy, 17.08.20.

Anna Krasteva and Antony Todorov. From post-communism to post-democracy. Visible and invisible transformations. In: Southeastern Europe 44 (2020) 177-207. doi:10.30965/18763332-04402004

Anna Krasteva. Ritratti dell’opposizione bulgara. In: Internationale, 8.09.21.

Кръстева А. Бежанско-миграционните изследвания – пионерски патос и гражданска солидарност.- Бежанците: днес и утре, 2020, N 1, с. 5.

Krasteva A. and Membretti A. ‘The New Pact on Migration and Asylum – From Strategic Document to Sense-rich Policy and Innovative Practices’. Policy Recommendations to the Portuguese Presidency.

Anna Krasteva and Antony Todorov. From post-communism to post-democracy. Visible and invisible transformations.

In: Southeastern Europe 44 (2020) 177-207.

Krasteva, Anna. Bulgaria - from post-communism to post-democracy.

In: Open democracy, 2019.

Anna Krasteva. Post-democratic crisis and political leadership. From Crisis Management to Crisis Creation.

- In: Salvatore S. et al (eds) Symbolic universes in time of (post)crisis. The future of European societies. Springer, 2019, 3-23. 

Krasteva, Anna (et al) Being a citizen in times of mainstreaming of populism: building post-communist contestatory and solidary citizenship. In: Anna Krasteva, Birte Siim, Aino Saarinen (eds) Citizens’ activism and solidarity movements. Contending with populism. Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology, Palgrave, 2019, 213-242. DOI

Krasteva, Anna (et al) Citizens’ activism for reimagining and reinventing citizenship countering far-right populism. In: Anna Krasteva, Birte Siim, Aino Saarinen (eds) Citizens’ activism and solidarity movements. Contending with populism. Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology, Palgrave, 2019, 265 – 292. DOI

Krasteva, Anna et al. For Bulgarian citizens when populism is mainstreamed, contestability is more import than consent.-Open democracy, 10.09.18.

Krasteva, Anna. The alchemy of integration: Russians in Bulgaria.- In: Bouju, Aimie & Edel, Andreas (eds) Similar but different. Inclusion and exclusion of immigrant communities sharing similar backgrounds with their host societies. 2018, Berlin: Max Plank Society for the advancement of Science, 41-46. 

​Salvatore, Sergio, Krasteva, Anna et al (2018). Symbolic universes between present and future in Europe. First results of the map of the Europen societies cultural milieu.

- PLoS ONE 13(1): e0189885.

Krasteva A. The Chinese and their competitors in Bulgaria. In: Chang, Felix and Rucher-Chang, Sunnie (eds) Chinese migrants in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Routledge, 2018, 184 - 199. ISBN-10: 1138481394; SBN-13: 978-1138481398

Krasteva, Anna. Globalization of borders: Balkan dilemmas.- In: Vila-Cha, Joao J. & Hogan, John (eds) Justice and responsibility: cultural and philosophical foundations. Washington DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2018, 241 – 267.

Krasteva A. The triple populist innovativeness.- Political Studies, 2017, N 1-2, 5-18 (in Bulgarian)

Krasteva, Anna, Vijoen, Frans, Mullen, Mathew (2017) Editorial.- Global Campus of Human Rights Journal, Issue 1.2.

Krasteva, Anna (2017) Editorial of special focus: Securitisation and its impact on human rights and human security.- Global Campus of Human Rights Journal, Issue 1.2.

Krasteva, Anna and Vladisavljević, Nebojša (2017) Securitisation versus citizenship: Populist and authoritarian misuses of security threats and civic responses in the Balkan states.- Global Campus of Human Rights Journal, Issue 1.2.

Anna Krasteva. If Borders Did Not Exist, Euroscepticism Would Have Invented Them, or on Post-Communist Re/De/Re/Bordering in Bulgaria.- GeoPolitics, 21.11.17.

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